This year we are excited to announce an amazing opportunity for drum majors to be a part of the camp in a new and different way. We will choose a team of 3-4 drum majors from all over the country to be the official Drum Majors of the Marching Band Division at the Music for All Summer Symposium!
- The student has attended the Music for All Summer Symposium (Drum Major or Marching Band Division).
- Is Drum Major for his or her band for the fall of 2017.
- Has strong conducting skills.
- Shows excellent servant leadership qualities.
Key Opportunities
- Hands-on leadership with the marching band division staff and students.
- Conducting with Carolina Crown drum majors during the performance.
- Conducting during ensemble rehearsals.
- Servant leadership opportunities such as preparing the field markers, running “the met” during drill rehearsals, etc.
- Assisting marching band division staff with sectionals.
- Conducting and leadership sessions with Bobby Lambert and his staff.
- Attending all camp evening concerts.
Application Deadline: May 15, 2017