Music for All is proud to have Ball State University of a corporate sponsor and the home of the Summer Symposium. Muncie is just 60 miles northeast of Indianapolis. Other cities within a few hours driving distance include Chicago, Cincinnati, Dayton, Detroit, Louisville, and St. Louis.
MFA student and director campers will stay in residence halls with suite-style rooms. Ball State’s entrepreneurial spirit shines through numerous expansions and additions that benefit MFA campers, including technological resources and state-of-the-art facilities.
Ball State is the third location to host the Music for All Summer Symposium since it debuted in 1976. The first home for this national symposium was at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. In 1992 the Symposium moved to Illinois State University in Normal, IL and moved to Ball State in 2011.
Students and Directors attending the Music for All Summer Symposium will stay in renovated, state-of-the art residence halls. Participants will stay in either Park Hall, the DeHority Complex, Studebaker Hall, Johnson Hall, or Kinghorn Hall.
Park Hall, an environmentally friendly facility, opened in fall 2007. It boasts beautiful two-story lounges with open staircases, and its rich woodwork and fireplaces with plenty of couches and chairs offer a cozy feel. Learn more about Park Hall, and see an exterior photo of Park Hall.
DeHority Complex is newly renovated and opened in fall 2009. DeHority is conveniently located near several academic buildings found on campus. Its state-of-the art technology and environmentally-friendly construction make it a fitting home for its student residents. Learn more about the DeHority Complex.
Kinghorn Hall is the newest residence hall on the Ball State campus. It also features state-of-the art technology and environmentally-friendly design and construction.Learn more about Kinghorn Hall.
With stackable furniture, advanced laundry facilities, computer labs, fitness rooms, different room types, and other services available in the residence halls, Klipple Hall (Noyer Complex) is a popular place to live on campus. Learn more about Klipple Hall.