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Daily Newsletters

Below are Daily Newsletters that were sent to parents, families, and friends to showcase what had went on at camp the previous day.

Leadership Day 1 in Review
Leadership Day 2 in Review
Monday in Review
Tuesday in Review
Wednesday in Review
Thursday in Review

Daily Photo Galleries:

From the Blog:

Talking Camp With Students

Talking Camp With Students

by Jeff Young, Director of Camps, Music for All Music for All Summer Symposium is an experience that you and your students don't want to miss, and we need your help to make that happen! How can YOU talk about camp in your classroom? There's something for every student...

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Why Campers Come Back

By Paris Baptiste I sat down with campers Colten, Michaila, and Scarlett to learn about their experiences participating in the 2023 Drum Major Institute. These returning campers shared their experiences and shed light on why they chose to come back for a second year....

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Setting the Stage for Summer Symposium

By Paris Baptiste The Opening Session of the 2023 Music for All Summer Symposium, presented by Yamaha ignited the atmosphere at Ball State University with amazing displays of talent, excitement, and inspiration. Camp faculty and representatives from Music for All and...

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