The Music for All Summer Symposium provides many amazing opportunities for students. One of these experiences is found in the Marching Band Division. These students had the unique opportunity to rehearse and then perform with Carolina Crown Drum and Bugle Corps at the DCI Central Indiana show.
This year, in addition to playing the national anthem at the start of the DCI show, the Marching Band also learned and performed the Australian national anthem in honor of over 40 students who traveled to the Music for All Summer Symposium from Australia. Both anthems were arranged by Richard Saucedo, and students had the opportunity to work with and be conducted by him.
While inclement weather prevented the show from being at the stadium as planned, the DCI Central Indiana show was moved inside to Worthen Arena and all of the corps performed standstills. At the end of the show, the Marching Band Division performed a special exhibition performance with Carolina Crown. This moment was made even more meaningful by the inclusion of four new musicians and their mentors from the United Sound program. A first for the Music for All Summer Symposium.
Music for All is a proud sponsor of United Sound, a school-based instrumental music club for individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities and their typical peers. Dedicated to promoting social involvement through shared ensemble performance experience, United Sound joins students with and without disabilities to learn and perform in the band or orchestra together. Learn more about the program here.